2022 Regular Session
Meeting Details 02/14/2022 1:00 PM, Remote C
Revision 0, Posted on 2/7/2022 at 4:16 PM
Current Agenda Status
02/14/2022 1:00 PM ,
Remote C
All committee meetings are taking place remotely.
To view a live stream of the meeting:
A viewing station is also available at the Capitol Building.
Work Session
Prohibits employers from permitting or requiring agricultural workers to work in excess of maximum allowable hours unless workers are compensated for overtime hours worked.
Amends provisions of workers' compensation law related to payments of benefits, notice to workers, recovery of overpayments and errors in claims processing.
Requires certain residential general contractors proposing remodel or repair project of more than $20,000 in value to tour residential structure with property owner and provide property owner with itemized and detailed description for each feature of proposed construction work.
Increases penalty for offenses related to engaging in professional real estate activity without holding active license.
Imposes requirements for accepting bids and proposals for contracts for provision and delivery of publicly financed behavioral health or addiction treatment or services.
Requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to periodically conduct performance audit of public agencies to determine compliance with laws that require procurements from qualified nonprofit agencies for individuals with disabilities.
Request Language Access Services (interpreter/translation/CART):
Please submit a request for language services a minimum of 2 days prior to the start of a public hearing. Additional time may be required to fulfill some requests.
Chair | Representative Paul Holvey |
Vice-Chair | Representative Daniel Bonham |
Vice-Chair | Representative Dacia Grayber |
Member | Representative Shelly Boshart Davis |
Member | Representative Janelle Bynum |
Member | Representative Jami Cate |
Member | Representative Paul Evans |
Member | Representative Jessica George |
Member | Representative Andrea Salinas |
Member | Representative Barbara Smith Warner |
Member | Representative Brad Witt |
LPRO Analyst | Tyler Larson | 503-986-1813 |
Committee Assistant | Desi Root | 503-986-1559 |