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2021 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Redistricting Staff Presentation staff
Meeting Material Public testimony on Legislative and Congressional Redistricting (witness registration) staff
Meeting Material Oral and Written Testimony Summary - CD2 staff
Meeting Material Adam & Vonda Saxton (testimony) Adam & Vonda Saxton, residents, Joseph
Meeting Material Ann Snyder (testimony) Ann Snyder, resident, Ashwood
Meeting Material Annette Lathrop (testimony) Annette Lathrop, resident, Joseph
Meeting Material Barbara Klein (testimony) Barbara Klein, resident, Ashland
Meeting Material Beverly Wyffels (testimony) Beverly Wyffels, affiliation unknown
Meeting Material Candace Klatt (testimony) Candace Klatt, resident, Lakeview
Meeting Material Colleen Roberts (testimony) Colleen Roberts, resident, Southern Oregon
Meeting Material Craig Martell (testimony) Craig Martell, resident, Baker City
Meeting Material Cynthia B. Payne (testimony) Cynthia B. Payne, resident, Joseph
Meeting Material David & Karen Wurdinger (testimony) David & Karen Wurdinger, residents, Wallowa County
Meeting Material David Lane (testimony) David Lane, resident, Ashland
Meeting Material debbie tenney (testimony) debbie tenney, affiliation unknown
Meeting Material Deborah Miller (testimony) Deborah Miller, resident, Redmond
Meeting Material Elizabeth Neveau (testimony) Elizabeth Neveau, District 2
Meeting Material Fritz Ellett (testimony) Fritz Ellett, resident, Wasco County
Meeting Material Gayle A Davis (testimony) Gayle A Davis, resident, Redmond
Meeting Material George Murdock (testimony) George Murdock, Commissioner, Umatilla County
Meeting Material Gideon Wizansky (testimony) Gideon Wizansky, resident, Ashland
Meeting Material Janessa Pogue (testimony) Janessa Pogue, resident, Congressional District 2
Meeting Material Jennifer Ballard (testimony) Jennifer Ballard, resident, Joseph
Meeting Material Joanne Mina (testimony) Joanne Mina, Volunteer Coordinator, Latino Community Association
Meeting Material John Eden (testimony) John Eden, resident, Ontario
Meeting Material John Grant (testimony) John Grant, affiliation unknown
Meeting Material John Hamilton (testimony) John Hamilton, resident, Ashland
Meeting Material Juan Quesada (testimony) Juan Quesada, affiliation unknown
Meeting Material Julia Sommer (testimony) Julia Sommer, resident, Ashland
Meeting Material L. DeFranco (testimony) L. DeFranco, resident, Jackson County
Meeting Material Margaret Wallis (testimony) Margaret Wallis, resident, Burns
Meeting Material Melodi Molt (testimony) Melodi Molt, resident, Burns
Meeting Material Mike and Annette Lathrop (testimony) Mike and Annette Lathrop, residents, Joseph
Meeting Material Mimi Alkire (testimony) Mimi Alkire, Vice President, League of Women Voters of Deschutes County
Meeting Material Patricia K. Jones (testimony) Patricia K. Jones, resident, Pilot Rock
Meeting Material Penny Krebs (testimony) Penny Krebs, resident, Gilliam County
Meeting Material Phil Guidotti (testimony) Phil Guidotti, resident, Central Point
Meeting Material Rick Bennett (testimony 2) Rick Bennett, resident, Medford
Meeting Material Rick Bennett (testimony) Rick Bennett, resident, Medford
Meeting Material Rossella Pogue (testimony) Rossella Pogue, resident, Grant County
Meeting Material Sharon Wilson (testimony) Sharon Wilson, District 2
Meeting Material Susan M Ramsay (testimony) Susan M Ramsay, resident, Harney County
Meeting Material Susan P. Rust (testimony) Susan P. Rust, District 2
Meeting Material Valerie Bradley (testimony) Valerie Bradley, resident, Umatilla County
Meeting Material Will Evans (testimony) Will Evans, resident, The Dalles