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2020 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4085 -1 Proposed 2/5/2020 1:46 PM
HB 4041 -8 Proposed 2/6/2020 1:02 PM
HB 4041 -9 Proposed 2/6/2020 1:04 PM
HB 4042 -1 Proposed 2/5/2020 10:31 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 4041 HB 4041 -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4042 HB 4042 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 4042 HB 4042-1 (fiscal impact statement) staff
Preliminary SMS HB 4083 HB 4083 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 4083 HB 4083 (witness registration) staff
Presentation HB 4083 Dick Tobiason (photos) Dick Tobiason, LTC US Army, Retired, Chairman, Bend Heroes Foundation
Presentation HB 4083 Dick Tobiason (testimony) Dick Tobiason, LTC US Army, Retired, Chairman, Bend Heroes Foundation
Presentation HB 4083 Mac Lynde (testimony) Mac Lynde, Deputy Administrator, Oregon Department of Transportation
Preliminary SMS HB 4085 HB 4085 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 4085 HB 4085 -1 (fiscal impact statement) staff
Witness Registration HB 4085 HB 4085 (witness registration) staff
Meeting Material HB 4085 Chris Rosin (presentation) Chris Rosin, The Oregon Public Guardian & Conservator (OPGC)