Testimony submitted for Bill Sessions prior to the 2021 Regular Session can be found in the Presentations Displayed in Committee section on this page.
Submitted Written Public Testimony
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Presentations Displayed in Committee
Title | Submitter | Meeting | Committee |
Howard N. Kenyon (testimony) | Howard N. Kenyon, Vice President, Ecumenial Ministries of Oregon | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Aliza Kaplan (testimony) | Aliza Kaplan, Director, Criminal Justice Reform Clinic, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Marilyn A. Williams (testimony) | Marilyn A. Williams, Pastor, Salem Mission Faith Ministries | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Stephen Kanter (testimony) | Stephen Kanter, Dean, Professor of Law Emeritus, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Kimberly McCullough (testimony) | Kimberly McCullough, Policy Director, American Civil Liberties Union | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Stephen Kanter (article Brief Against Death) | Stephen Kanter, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Stephen Kanter (article Confronting Capital Punishment...) | Stephen Kanter, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Stephen Kanter (article Dealing With Death) | Stephen Kanter, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Ariel Stone (testimony) | Ariel Stone, Rabbi, Congregation Shir Tikvah | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Mary Sofia (testimony) | Mary Sofia, Legislative Director, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Bobbin Singh (article: "Probability of Crimial Acts of Violence: a test of jury predictive accuracy) | Bobbin Singh, Executive Director, Oregon Justice Resource Center | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Paul J. De Muniz (testimony) | Paul J. De Muniz, criminal defense lawyer | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Stephen Kanter (testimony 2) | Stephen Kanter, Emeritus Dean and Professor of Law, Lewis and Clark Law School | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Phillip Margolin (testimony) | Phillip Margolin, criminal defense lawyer | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Jessica L Minifie (testimony) | Jessica Minifie, Senior Deputy Legislative Counsel, State of Oregon Legislative Counsel Committee | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
J. Kevin Hunt (testimony) | J. Kevin Hunt, resident, Missoula, Montana | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Frank Thompson (testimony) | Frank Thompson, retired Superintendent, Oregon State Penitentiary | 4/1/2019 | Senate Committee On Judiciary |
Kimberly McCullough (testimony) | Kimberly McCullough, Policy Director, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oregon | 6/5/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Katie Suver (testimony) | Katie Suver, Deputy District Attorney, Marion County; ODAA | 6/5/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Aliza Kaplan (testimony) | Aliza Kaplan, Professor & Director, Criminal Justice Reform Clinic, Lewis & Clark Law School | 6/5/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Mary A. Sofia (testimony) | Mary A. Sofia, Legislative Director, Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association | 6/5/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Stephen Kanter (testimony) | Stephen Kanter, Dean & Professor of Law Emeritus, Lewis & Clark Law School | 6/5/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Debra Oyamada (testimony) | Debra Oyamada, resident | 6/12/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Lesley Roehr (testimony) | Lesley Roehr, resident, Wilsonville | 6/12/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Steve Doell (testimony) | Steve Doell, Crime Victims United | 6/17/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Steve Kanter (testimony) | Steve Kanter, Dean and Professor of Law Emeritus, Lewis & Clark Law School | 6/17/2019 | House Committee On Rules |
Floor Letters
Chamber | Description | Submitter(s) | Measure | Third Reading | Submitted | |
Senate | Redefining "Aggravated Murder" | Sen Prozanski | SB 1013 | 5/21/2019 |
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Measure Not Scheduled for Public Testimony
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