Catchline/Summary: |
Permits dealer management system provider to condition dealer's or authorized integrator's access to and ability to receive, share, copy, use, write or transmit protected dealer data from or to dealer data system on dealer's or authorized integrator's compliance with security standards, require authorized integrator to have express written authorization from dealer before allowing authorized integrator to gain access to, receive, share, copy, use or transmit protected dealer data and deny access to dealer data system if dealer fails to pay amount due to dealer management system provider under lease, contract or other agreement.
Prohibits authorized integrator, unless authorized integrator is acting in accordance with federal, state or local government law or under valid court order, from obtaining, sharing, selling, copying, transmitting, using, producing, generating or providing protected dealer data without dealer's prior express written consent or in manner that is inconsistent with dealer's prior express written consent and from locking out, deactivating or denying dealer access to dealer data system, permitting another person to obtain, share, sell, copy, transmit, use, produce, generate or provide protected dealer data without dealer's prior express written consent or charging fee for or otherwise prohibiting, preventing, restricting or limiting dealer's ownership, possession or use of protected dealer data.]
Permits dealer management system provider to condition dealer's or authorized integrator's access to and ability to receive, share, copy, use, write or transmit protected dealer data from or to dealer data system on dealer's or authorized integrator's compliance with security standards, require authorized integrator to have express written authorization from dealer before allowing authorized integrator to gain access to, receive, share, copy, use or transmit protected dealer data and deny access to dealer data system if dealer fails to pay amount due to dealer management system provider under lease, contract or other agreement.
Prohibits dealer management system provider from taking action to limit or prohibit dealer's or authorized integrator's ability to receive, protect, store, copy, share or use protected dealer data, including by imposing access fee or certain other restrictions on dealer or authorized integrator.
Requires authorized integrator to obtain express written authorization from dealer and to comply with security standards before gaining access to, receiving, sharing, copying, using, writing or transmitting protected dealer data.
Permits dealer to withdraw, revoke or amend prior express written consent] authorization at dealer's discretion after giving 30 days' prior notice or immediately for good cause.