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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 670 -1 Adopted 5/6/2019 8:21 AM
SB 944 -1 Proposed 5/6/2019 8:20 AM
SB 507 -8 Adopted 5/6/2019 8:22 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HCR 8 HCR 8 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HCR 8 HCR 8 (witness registration) staff
Meeting Material HCR 8 Kate Titus (handout) Kate Titus, Executive Director, Common Cause of Oregon
Preliminary SMS SB 155 SB 155 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 155 SB 155 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SB 155 Barbara Spencer (testimony) Barbara Spencer, Chair, Oregon Commission for Women
Preliminary SMS SB 507 SB 507 -8 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement SB 507 SB 507-8 (fiscal impact statement) staff
Presentation SB 507 Kimberly Wood and Diana Winther (testimony) Kimberly Wood and Diana Winther, Co-Chairs, Management-Labor Advisory Committee (MLAC)
Preliminary SMS SB 670 SB 670 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS SB 944 SB 944 -1 Preliminary SMS staff