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2019 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SCR 21 -1 Proposed 2/19/2019 2:00 PM
SB 52 -2 Adopted 2/20/2019 10:17 AM
SB 52 -5 Proposed 2/20/2019 11:45 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS SB 52 SB 52 -2 Preliminary SMS staff
Fiscal Impact Statement SB 52 SB 52-2 (fiscal impact statement-revised) staff
Presentation SB 52 Jason Wilson and Roxanne Wilson (testimony) Jason Wilson and Roxanne Wilson, residents, Dayton
Preliminary SMS SB 485 SB 485 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation SB 485 Jason Wilson and Roxanne Wilson (testimony) Jason Wilson and Roxanne Wilson, residents, Dayton
Preliminary SMS SB 664 SB 664 Preliminary SMS staff
Meeting Material SB 664 Sen. Rob Wagner (video) Sen. Rob Wagner, Senate District 19
Presentation SB 664 Claire Sarnowski (testimony) Claire Sarnowski, student, Lakeridge High School
Presentation SB 664 Judy Margles (testimony) Judy Margles, Director, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Presentation SB 664 Amanda Solomon (testimony) Amanda Solomon, Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education
Presentation SB 664 Chanelle Buck (testimony) Chanelle Buck, student, Lakeridge High School
Presentation SB 664 Oliver Twain (testimony) Oliver Twain, student, Sunset High School
Presentation SB 664 Debbi Montrose (testimony) Debbi Montrose, resident, Portland; child of Holocaust survivors
Presentation SB 664 Matthew Kahl (testimony) Matthew Kahl, Anti-Defamation League, Pacific Northwest Region
Witness Registration SB 664 SB 664 (witness registration - 1) staff
Witness Registration SB 664 SB 664 (witness registration - 2) staff
Presentation SB 664 Ann Savage (testimony) Ann Savage, resident, Lake Oswego; niece of World War II Veterans
Presentation SB 664 Beth Woodward (testimony) Beth Woodward, resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 664 Bruce Gilley (testimony-revised) Bruce Gilley, Chapter President, Oregon Association of Scholars
Presentation SB 664 Carla Dunn (testimony) Carla Dunn, resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Carol Sarnowski (testimony of Trudy Ludwig) Carol Sarnowski, affiliation unknown
Presentation SB 664 Dale Oller (testimony) Dale Oller, member, Never Again Coalition; member, Amnesty International, Chapter 48, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Dawn Perazzo (testimony) Dawn Perazzo, resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 664 Elaine D. Guttman Wiener (testimony) Elaine D. Guttman Wiener, daughter-in-law of Alter Wiener
Presentation SB 664 George Okulitch (testimony of Bob Horenstein, Jewish Federation of Greater Portland) George Okulitch, Okulitch & Associates
Presentation SB 664 Hannelore Waizmann Reinecke Tweed (testimony) Hannelore Waizmann Reinecke Tweed, Oregon Holocaust Museum; former Holocaust Studies teacher, Camas
Presentation SB 664 Jana Lombardi (testimony) Jana Lombardi, resident, Tualatin
Presentation SB 664 Jill Ann Slansky (testimony) Jill Ann Slansky, Past President, Oregon Holocaust Resource Center
Presentation SB 664 John Beahrs (testimony 2) John Beahrs, retired psychiatrist; resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 John Beahrs (testimony) John Beahrs, retired psychiatrist; resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Karen Twain (testimony) Karen Twain, Assistant Superintendent, Tigard-Tualatin School District
Presentation SB 664 Lauren Fortgang (testimony) Lauren Fortgang, Director; Co-Founder, Never Again Coalition
Presentation SB 664 Lianne Bannow (testimony) Lianne Bannow, resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Lisa Greenfield (testimony) Lisa Greenfield, resident, Oregon
Presentation SB 664 Liza and Joseph Russ (testimony) Liza and Joseph Russ, descendants of Holocaust survivors
Presentation SB 664 Mark Himmelman (testimony) Mark Himmelman, resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Mayah Greenfield (testimony) Mayah Greenfield, student, Lakeridge High School
Presentation SB 664 Melissa Himmelman (testimony) Melissa Himmelman, resident, Portland
Meeting Material SB 664 Melissa Peterman (historic document) Melissa Peterman, descendant of Holocaust survivor; resident, Lake Oswego
Presentation SB 664 Melissa Peterman (testimony) Melissa Peterman, descendant of Holocaust survivor; resident, Lake Oswego
Meeting Material SB 664 Melissa Peterman (historic document 2) Melissa Peterman, descendant of Holocaust survivor; resident, Lake Oswego
Presentation SB 664 Michael Framson (testimony) Michael Framson, resident, Medford
Presentation SB 664 Michael Weingrad (testimony) M. Weingrad, Professor, Harold Schnitzer Family Program in Judaic Studies, Portland State University
Presentation SB 664 Nancy Dawson (testimony) Nancy Dawson, member, Never Again Coalition; resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Nathan Cogan (testimony) N. Cogan, Professor Emeritus; Founder, Holocaust Genocide Studies Project, Portland State University
Presentation SB 664 Paul Kopperman (testimony - revised) Paul Kopperman, professor; School of History, Philosophy, and Religion; Oregon State University
Presentation SB 664 Phillip Mandel (testimony) Philip Mandel, producer, "From a Name to a Number"
Presentation SB 664 Polly Doyel (testimony) Polly Doyel, resident, Sherwood
Presentation SB 664 Rhonda Fink-Whitman (testimony) Rhonda Fink-Whitman, author, "94 Maidens;" Director, "The Mandate Video"
Presentation SB 664 Rob Hadley (testimony) Robert Hadley, Holocaust educator; Co-Director, Olga Lengyel Institute for Holocaust Studies Oregon
Presentation SB 664 Robert Rubenstein (testimony) Robert Rubenstein, resident, Portland
Presentation SB 664 Roberta Lambert (testimony) Roberta Lambert, affiliation unknown
Presentation SB 664 Sue Wendel (testimony) Sue Wendel, descendant of Holocaust survivors; resident, Beaverton
Meeting Material SB 664 W. Kirt Toombs (position paper) W. Kirt Toombs, Chief Executive Officer, Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living
Presentation SB 664 Marlayne Madison (testimony) Marlayne Madison, affiliation unknown
Meeting Material SB 664 Marlayne Madison (handout) Marlayne Madison, affiliation unknown
Preliminary SMS SCR 21 SCR 21 Preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SCR 21 SCR 21 (witness registration) staff
Presentation SCR 21 Nathan Cogan (testimony) N. Cogan, Professor Emeritus; founder, Holocaust Genocide Studies Project, Portland State University
Presentation SCR 21 Carol Sarnowski (photos) Claire Sarnowski, affiliation unknown