2019 Regular Session
Meeting Details 02/18/2019 3:00 PM, HR D
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2191 | HB 2191 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2191 | Jason Wilson, Roxanne Wilson (photograph) | Jason Wilson, Roxanne Wilson, parents of Chloe Wilson | |
Presentation | HB 2191 | Jason Wilson, Roxanne Wilson (testimony) | Jason Wilson, Roxanne Wilson, parents of Chloe Wilson | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2247 | HB 2247 -1 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | HB 2247 | HB 2247 (fiscal impact statement) | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2248 | HB 2248 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Witness Registration | HB 2248 | HB 2248 (witness registration) | staff | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2444 | HB 2444 -1 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Fiscal Impact Statement | HB 2444 | HB 2444 (fiscal impact statement) | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2444 | William Harvey, Mark E. Bennett, Bruce A. Nichols (letter) | William Harvey, Mark E. Bennett, Bruce A. Nichols, Commissioners, Baker County | |
Meeting Material | HB 2444 | Jim D. Cant (table) | Jim D. Cant, Co-Chair, Advocacy, Oregon Agriculture Teachers Association | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2742 | HB 2742 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2742 | Morgan Allen (testimony of various education stakeholders) | Morgan Allen, Deputy Executive Director, Confederation of Oregon School Administrators | |
Meeting Material | HB 2742 | Morgan Allen, Karen Gray, Koreen Barreras-Brown (presentation) | Morgan Allen, Deputy Executive Director, Confederation of Oregon School Administrators | |
Presentation | HB 2742 | Koreen Barreras-Brown (testimony) | Koreen Barreras-Brown, Ed.D., Superintendent, Colton School District | |
Witness Registration | HB 2742 | HB 2742 (witness registration) | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2742 | Iris Maria Chavez (testimony) | Iris Maria Chavez, Chalkboard Project | |
Presentation | HB 2742 | David Porter (testimony) | David Porter, resident, Portland | |
Meeting Material | HB 2742 | Jared Mason-Gere (report: "2018 Oregon Educator Equity Report") | Jared Mason-Gere, Public Affairs Consultant, Oregon Education Association | |
Preliminary SMS | HB 2867 | HB 2867 Preliminary SMS | staff | |
Meeting Material | HB 2867 | Gabriel Miller (chart) | Gabriel Miller, student, Klamath County | |
Presentation | HB 2867 | Nolan Britton (photograph) | Nolan Britton, student, Klamath County | |
Witness Registration | HB 2867 | HB 2867 (witness registration) | staff | |
Presentation | HB 2867 | Glen Szymoniak (map) | Glen Szymoniak, Superintendent, Klamath County School District |