At the request of: | |
Chief Sponsors: | Senator Boquist |
Regular Sponsors: | |
Bill Title: | Relating to elections; declaring an emergency. |
Catchline/Summary: | Removes requirement that person elected to county office provide county clerk with certificate of election. Removes requirement that person elected to county office provide county clerk with certificate of election. Requires certain election documents to be filed electronically. Changes certain ballot markings from "Presidential only" to "Federal only." Alters certain filing deadlines. Removes requirement that signature sheets for initiative or referral petition or prospective petition be attached to full and correct copy of measure. Requires Secretary of State to establish process for modifying petition and prospective petition templates. Requires that one copy of prospective initiative and referral petitions be sent to required officials, rather than two. Permits district attorney to make clerical corrections to ballot title for district measure. Requires all estimates, portraits, statements and arguments for voters' pamphlet to be filed electronically. Establishes that person who fails to file required statement or certificate has 20 days from date notice is sent by Secretary of State to request hearing. Establishes that Secretary of State, rather than county clerk, is responsible for signature verification for state candidate petitions. Requires Secretary of State to verify accuracy of required portion of candidate's statement for voters' pamphlet. Clarifies that knowingly providing false information in required portion of candidate's statement for voters' pamphlet is punishable by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Makes treasurer of political committee or treasurer of petition committee responsible for performance of duties related to treasurer, subject to certain exceptions. Makes alternative filer designated by candidate, treasurer of political committee or treasurer of petition committee responsible for statements certified as true by alternative filer, subject to certain exceptions. Requires professional services provided to candidates, political committees or petition committees to be reported as contributions. Expands ways in which political committee is considered controlled committee. Makes treasurer of political committee serving at time amended statement of organization is required to be filed responsible for timely filing, subject to certain exceptions. Requires Secretary of State to develop method for regularly auditing statements of contributions of $100 or less to determine if person, political committee or petition committee has made aggregate contributions of more than $100 during calendar year. Clarifies how candidates, principal campaign committees, political committees and petition committees may use amounts received as contributions. Makes knowingly providing false information relating to individual's occupation, current employer, educational and occupational background or prior governmental service on campaign finance filings punishable by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Requires person receiving notice from Secretary of State regarding potential violation of campaign finance filing to take action to amend filing and comply with applicable law within 180 days of receiving notice. Makes failure to comply within 180 days of receiving notice punishable by maximum of five years' imprisonment, $125,000 fine, or both. Declares emergency, effective on passage. |
Chapter Number: | |
Fiscal Impact: | May Have Fiscal Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued |
Revenue Impact: | May Have Revenue Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued |
Measure Analysis: | Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements |
Current Location: | In Senate Committee |
Current Committee: | Senate Committee On Rules |
Current Subcommittee: | |
Subsequent Referral(s): |
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: | Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents |
Sponsor Change Confirmation
Measure History
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Oregon Legislative Assembly - Public Testimony Registration Form
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SB 906
Senate Committee On Rules
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- Para solicitar servicios de interpretación de lenguaje hablado, interpretación de lenguaje de señas americano (ASL) o traducción en tiempo real de acceso a la comunicación (CART), envíe un correo electrónico a languageaccess@oregonlegislature.gov o llame al 503-986-1538 con 3 dias de anticipación.
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Committee meetings are sometimes canceled or rescheduled. If you register to testify and the meeting is rescheduled, you will need to register for the new meeting date. To receive email updates on selected bills or committee agendas, sign up for Capitol E-Subscribe.
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