Relating to pay equity; and prescribing an effective date.
Provides definitions relating to comparable work for purposes of pay equity provisions. Provides definitions relating to comparable work for purposes of pay equity provisions. Makes unlawful employment practice to discriminate in payment of wages against employee on basis of protected class. Makes unlawful employment practice to screen job applicants based on salary history, to base salary decision on salary history, other than for internal hires, and to seek salary history information from applicant for employment other than after making offer of employment to employee that includes amount of compensation.
Allows employer to pay employees for work of comparable character at different compensation levels only if entire compensation differential is based on bona fide factor related to position in question and based on certain criteria.
Extends time limitation to bring certain pay equity claims by making each subsequent payroll action that is based on underlying pay equity violation actionable. Extends tort claim notice requirement from 180 days to 300 days for public employee to give notice of certain pay equity violations. Adds additional remedies for pay equity and wage-related violations that include right to jury trial and right to compensatory and punitive damages.
Allows employee who files complaint alleging pay equity violation with Bureau of Labor and Industries and prevails to recover back pay for up to two years plus duration of time spent in complaint process.
Permits employer to file motion to disallow award of compensatory or punitive damages. Provides that court shall grant motion if employer demonstrates that employer has completed equal-pay analysis that meets certain criteria, eliminated wage differentials for plaintiff and made reasonable and substantial progress toward eliminating wage differentials for other employees in same protected class asserted by plaintiff. Provides that, if court grants motion, court may award back pay only for two-year period immediately preceding filing of action and allow prevailing plaintiff costs and attorney fees but may not award damages.
Becomes operative on January 1, 2019.
Makes violation for seeking salary history from prospective or current employee prior to offer of employment subject to compensatory and punitive damages beginning on January 1, 2024.
Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Oregon Legislative Assembly - Public Testimony Registration Form
You are registering to speak about:
HB 2005
Registration Instructions
Submit the form below to testify or comment either in person or remotely by video or phone. After completing the required fields (*), click the “Submit Registration to Testify” button.
Email address and phone number are required for administrative purposes and will not be posted to OLIS. Your phone number will be displayed on the livestream of the committee meeting if you testify by phone.
Registration ends 30 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. After that time, the registration system will close.
After registering and seeing a confirmation screen, you will receive an email with meeting details. If you do not receive a confirmation email, check your email spam folder.
Registration does not guarantee that you will have an opportunity to speak; the chair may determine that time for public testimony will be limited. Committee meetings are sometimes cancelled or rescheduled. You can receive email updates on selected bills or committee agendas by signing up for Capitol e-Subscribe.
If you would like to provide written testimony to the committee, see instructions to submit written testimony here.
To request spoken language interpretation, American Sign Language (ASL) interpretation, or Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services, please email or call 503-986-1538 at least 3 days in advance.
Para solicitar servicios de interpretación de lenguaje hablado, interpretación de lenguaje de señas americano (ASL) o traducción en tiempo real de acceso a la comunicación (CART), envíe un correo electrónico a o llame al 503-986-1538 con 3 dias de anticipación.
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Testimony Details:
You will receive an email soon with meeting details. If you registered to testify remotely, the
email will include a link or phone number to join the committee meeting.
If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours, have any questions, or need to cancel your registration,
please call 1-833-588-4500 or email the committee assistant listed on the committee page on OLIS.
Committee meetings are sometimes canceled or rescheduled. If you register to testify and the meeting is
rescheduled, you will need to register for the new meeting date. To receive email updates on selected
bills or committee agendas, sign up for Capitol E-Subscribe.
Measure Not Scheduled for Public Testimony
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Either this measure is not currently scheduled for a public hearing, or the deadline to register to testify
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Measure Not Scheduled for Public Testimony
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Either this measure is not currently scheduled for a public hearing, or the deadline to register to testify
or to submit written testimony has passed.
For questions about the legislature, legislative process, or other government agencies, please email or call 1-800-332-2313.