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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 483 -1 Proposed 3/29/2017 12:06 PM
SB 131 -2 Proposed 3/29/2017 12:04 PM
SB 131 -3 Proposed 3/30/2017 7:31 AM
SB 487 -1 Proposed 3/29/2017 11:59 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation SB 131 Mary Sell testimony Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Preliminary SMS SB 131 SB 131 -2, -3 preliminary sms staff
Witness Registration SB 483 SB 483 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 483 SB 483 -1 preliminary sms staff
Preliminary SMS SB 487 SB 487 -1 preliminary sms staff
Presentation SB 508 John Hanlin testimony Douglas County Sheriff's Office
Witness Registration SB 508 SB 508 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 508 SB 508 preliminary sms staff
Presentation SB 515 Kevin Campbell testimony Oregon Association Chiefs of Police; Oregon State Sheriffs Association
Witness Registration SB 515 SB 515 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 515 SB 515 preliminary sms staff
Presentation SB 571 Kimberly McCullough testimony American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Oregon
Presentation SB 571 Gail Meyer article Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Presentation SB 571 Kevin Campbell testimony Oregon Association Chiefs of Police; Oregon State Sheriffs Association
Witness Registration SB 571 SB 571 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 571 SB 571 preliminary sms staff