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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2902 -1 Proposed 5/9/2017 2:49 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material HB 2090 Cheryl Hiemstra presentation Oregon Department of Justice
Presentation HB 2090 Cheryl Hiemstra testimony Oregon Department of Justice
Presentation HB 2090 Kimberly McCullough testimony American Civil Liberties Union
Witness Registration HB 2090 HB 2090 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2090 HB 2090 preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 2462 HB 2462 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2462 HB 2462 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2463 Amy Joyce testimony Oregon Department of Transportation
Witness Registration HB 2463 HB 2463 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2463 HB 2463 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2695 Cameron La Follette, Lori Grant, Paige Spence testimony Oregon Coast Alliance, Oregon Environmental Council, Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Presentation HB 2695 Gary Alford testimony International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union Local 12
Presentation HB 2695 Tess Milio testimony Coos Bay Pilots and Columbia River Pilots
Preliminary SMS HB 2695 HB 2695 preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2902 HB 2902 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 3120 Amy Joyce testimony Oregon Department of Transportation
Witness Registration HB 3120 HB 3120 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3120 HB 3120 preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration HB 3389 HB 3389 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3389 HB 3389 preliminary SMS staff