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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 333 -4 Proposed 3/27/2017 8:47 AM
SB 867 -1 Proposed 3/27/2017 11:39 AM
SB 936 -1 Proposed 3/24/2017 3:08 PM
SB 936 -2 Proposed 3/24/2017 3:09 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Witness Registration SB 333 SB 333 witness registration staff
Presentation SB 333 Chris Lyons testimony Clackamas County Board of Commissioners
Presentation SB 333 Tim Knapp testimony City of Wilsonville
Preliminary SMS SB 333 SB 333 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation SB 867 Terry Thompson testimony Lincoln County Board of Commissioners
Presentation SB 867 Richard Williams testimony resident, Oregon City
Witness Registration SB 867 SB 867 witness registration staff
Presentation SB 867 Jeremy Rogers testimony Oregon Business Council
Meeting Material SB 867 John Audley presentation John Audley Consulting
Preliminary SMS SB 867 SB 867 preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 885 SB 885 witness registration staff
Meeting Material SB 885 Colin Smith tesimony Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia
Presentation SB 885 Dan Tingley testimony Wood Research and Development Ltd
Presentation SB 885 Daniel Norton testimony Registered Professional Engineer
Presentation SB 885 Keith Simila testimony Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors
Presentation SB 885 Keith Simila testimony 2 Idaho Board of Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors
Presentation SB 885 Matt Morrison testimony Pacific NorthWest Economic Region
Presentation SB 885 Maralyn Chase and Shawna Argue testimony Pacific NorthWest Economic Region (PNWER) Workforce Development Working Group
Preliminary SMS SB 885 SB 885 preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS SB 930 SB 930 preliminary SMS staff
Witness Registration SB 930 SB 930 witness registration staff
Meeting Material SB 930 Sen. Prozanski fact sheet Senate District 4
Presentation SB 936 Doris Penwell testimony Association of Oregon Counties
Presentation SB 936 Jody Wiser testimony Tax Fairness Oregon
Witness Registration SB 936 SB 936 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 936 SB 936 preliminary SMS staff
Presentation SB 989 Paul Mather testimony Oregon Department of Transportation
Witness Registration SB 989 SB 989 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SB 989 SB 989 preliminary SMS staff