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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3146 -A5 Proposed 4/26/2017 11:56 AM
HB 2088 -3 Proposed 4/20/2017 8:07 AM
HB 2088 -4 Proposed 4/20/2017 8:07 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2088 HB 2088 -3, -4 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material HB 2088 City Change Property Ratio Comparisons LRO
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2088 RIS HB 2088 -3 LRO
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2088 hb 2088-3 FIS LFO
Meeting Material HB 2088 HB 2088 - Request for Amendments 4-26-17 Douglas Schmidt
Presentation HB 2088 Testimony - 4-25-17 Douglas Schmidt
Preliminary SMS HB 2964 HB 2964 Preliminary SMS Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2964 RIS HB 2964 LRO
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2964 hb 2964 fis LFO
Preliminary SMS HB 3146 HB 3146 -A5 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 3146 Oregon MSA Map - Census Staff
Meeting Material HB 3146 2017 OWRC Lowering the Standards for Economic Development HB 3146-A Marcia Kelley
Meeting Material HB 3146 HB 3146A Lowering our job standards in 15 year enterprise zones Jody Wiser