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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2621 -2 Proposed 3/21/2017 1:45 PM
HB 2409 -3 Adopted 3/22/2017 4:31 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2409 HB 2409 -3 preliminary sms staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2409 HB 2409-3 fiscal impact staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2409 HB 2409-3 revenue impact staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2621 HB 2621 -2 preliminary sms staff
Presentation HB 2955 Angela Brandenburg testimony A Safe Place: Family Justice Center for Clackamas County
Presentation HB 2955 Melissa Erlbaum testimony Clackamas Women's Services
Presentation HB 2955 Sybil Hebb testimony Oregon Law Center
Witness Registration HB 2955 HB 2955 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2955 Michele Roland-Schwartz testimony Oregon Attorney General's Sexual Assault Task Force
Preliminary SMS HB 2955 HB 2955 preliminary sms staff
Presentation HB 2972 Laura Stadum testimony Oregon Health and Science University
Presentation HB 2972 Title IX Coordinators letter Oregon Council of Presidents
Presentation HB 2972 Missy Matella testimony University of Oregon
Presentation HB 2972 Sybil Hebb testimony Oregon Law Center
Witness Registration HB 2972 HB 2972 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2972 Carli Rohner testimony Title IX Committee, Willamette University
Presentation HB 2972 Erica Rothman testimony Portland Community College
Presentation HB 2972 Title IX Committee of Willamette University testimony Willamette University
Preliminary SMS HB 2972 HB 2972 preliminary sms staff
Presentation HB 2988 Carrie Leonetti testimony associate professor, University of Oregon School of Law
Witness Registration HB 2988 HB 2988 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2988 HB 2988 preliminary sms staff
Presentation HB 3176 Julia Yoshimoto testimony Oregon Justice Resource Center
Witness Registration HB 3176 HB 3176 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3176 HB 3176 preliminary sms staff