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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3166 -2 Proposed 3/30/2017 5:10 PM
HB 2748 -3 Adopted 3/30/2017 5:10 PM
HB 2889 -2 Adopted 3/30/2017 5:11 PM
HB 2889 -1 Proposed 4/3/2017 8:38 AM
HB 2756 -1 Proposed 3/30/2017 5:08 PM
HB 2757 -1 Proposed 3/30/2017 5:09 PM
HB 2343 -3 Proposed 3/29/2017 1:46 PM
HB 2343 -5 Proposed 3/29/2017 1:46 PM
HB 2072 -1 Adopted 3/28/2017 6:21 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2072 HB 2072 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2072 Fiscal Impact Statement staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2072 Revenue Impact Statement staff
Presentation HB 2072 Ivan Maluski testimony Friends of Family Farmers
Witness Registration HB 2072 HB 2072 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2072 Bill Kluting testimony Carpenters Industrial Council
Presentation HB 2072 Daryl Maas testimony Farm Power Northwest LLC
Presentation HB 2072 Mark Nystrom testimony Association of Oregon Counties
Presentation HB 2072 Mary Anne Nash testimony Oregon Farm Bureau and Oregon Diary Farmers Association
Presentation HB 2072 Mike Kaplan testimony Oregon Department of Energy
Meeting Material HB 2072 Mike Kaplan Biomass Tax Credit Information 03.27.17 Oregon Department of Energy
Presentation HB 2072 Todd Hansen testimony Biomass One, L.P.
Preliminary SMS HB 2111 HB 2111 Preliminary SMS staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2343 HB 2343 -3, -5 Preliminary SMS Staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2748 HB 2748 -3 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2748 Harvey Gail testimony Oregon Hearth, Patio Barbecue Association
Preliminary SMS HB 2756 HB 2756 -1 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2756 Mike Kaplan testimony Oregon Department of Energy
Witness Registration HB 2756 HB 2756, HB 2757, HB 2764 and HB 3166 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2757 HB 2757 -1 Preliminary SMS staff
Meeting Material HB 2757 Mike Kaplan report and recommendations from HB 2105 Oregon Department of Energy
Presentation HB 2757 Todd Cornett testimony Oregon Department of Energy
Witness Registration HB 2757 HB 2756, HB 2757, HB 2764 and HB 3166 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2760 HB 2760 Preliminary SMS staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2760 Revenue Impact Statement staff
Presentation HB 2760 Max Muller testimony Oregon Solar Energy Industries Association
Presentation HB 2760 Rikki Seguin testimony Renewable Northwest
Presentation HB 2760 Susan Anderson testimony Bureau of Planning and Sustainability
Preliminary SMS HB 2764 HB 2764 Preliminary SMS staff
Presentation HB 2764 Mike Kaplan testimony staff
Witness Registration HB 2764 HB 2756, HB 2757, HB 2764 and HB 3166 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2889 HB 2889 -2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2889 Fiscal Impact Statement staff
Preliminary SMS HB 3166 HB 3166 -2 Preliminary SMS Staff
Witness Registration HB 3166 HB 2756, HB 2757, HB 2764 and HB 3166 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3166 Meredith Connolly testimony Climate Solutions
Preliminary SMS HB 3269 HB 3269 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 3269 Alan Zelenka testimony Oregon Global Warming Commission
Meeting Material HB 3269 Alan Zelenka handout Oregon Global Warming Commission
Presentation HB 3269 Rep. Karin Power testimony House District 41
Presentation HB 3269 Paige Spence testimony Oregon League of Conservation Voters
Presentation HB 3269 Tuck Wilson testimony 50-year Oregon; former Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Treasurer
Meeting Material HB 3269 Tuck Wilson report 50-year Oregon resident; former Assistant Secretary of State and Deputy Treasurer
Presentation HB 3269 Jana Gastellum testimony Oregon Environmental Council
Witness Registration HB 3269 HB 3269 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3269 Meredith Connolly testimony Climate Solutions