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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2657 -3 Adopted 2/27/2017 1:31 PM
HB 2693 -2 Proposed 3/22/2017 4:04 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2529 HB 2529 fiscal impact staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2529 HB 2529 revenue impact staff
Presentation HB 2587 Sen. Hass testimony Senate District 14
Presentation HB 2587 Laurie Wimmer testimony Oregon Education Association
Presentation HB 2587 John Larson testimony Vice President, Oregon Education Association
Presentation HB 2587 Ramin Farahmandpur testimony American Association of University Professors
Presentation HB 2587 John Dustin testimony resident, King City
Meeting Material HB 2587 John Dustin informational packet resident, King City
Presentation HB 2587 Soren Metzger testimony Oregon School Employees Association
Presentation HB 2587 Kyle Thomas testimony Higher Education Coordinating Commission
Presentation HB 2587 Norman Turrill and Chris Vogel testimony League of Women Voters of Oregon
Witness Registration HB 2587 HB 2587 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2587 Betsy Salter testimony resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2587 Dave Porter testimony resident, Portland
Presentation HB 2587 David Squire testimony fellow, Oregon Learns; Board Chair, Saturday Academy; Board Chair, Oregon MESA
Presentation HB 2587 Duncan Wyse testimony Oregon Business Council
Witness Registration HB 2649 HB 2649 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2649 Lisa Frack, Sheila Swinford, Bud Feuless, TeriAnn Mason and Laurie Notaro testimony Oregon chapters of National Organization for Women
Presentation HB 2649 Penny Okamoto testimony Ceasefire Oregon
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2649 HB 2649 fiscal impact staff
Witness Registration HB 2657 HB 2657 witness registration staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2657 HB 2657 -3 fiscal impact staff
Presentation HB 2693 Angela Crowley-Koch testimony Oregon Environmental Council
Witness Registration HB 2693 HB 2693 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 2693 Anna Huynh testimony student, Franklin High School
Presentation HB 2693 Babtist Lumley testimony Native American Youth & Family Center
Presentation HB 2693 David Saez testimony Centro Latino Americano
Presentation HB 2693 Emily Lai and Fatmah Worfeley testimony Momentum Alliance
Presentation HB 2693 Gerik Kransky testimony The Street Trust
Presentation HB 2693 Huy Ong testimony OPAL Environmental Justice Oregon
Presentation HB 2693 Jose Garcia testimony resident, Salem
Presentation HB 2693 Karen Fischer Gray and Mary Lu Baertkey testimony Parkrose School District
Presentation HB 2693 Margaret Tallmadge testimony Coalition of Communities of Color
Presentation HB 2693 Mary Kyle McCurdy testimony 1000 Friends of Oregon
Presentation HB 2693 Mayleena Robinson testimony student, Franklin High School; Youth Environmental Justice Alliance
Presentation HB 2693 Noel Mickelberry testimony Oregon Walks
Presentation HB 2693 Patrick O’Herron testimony Oregon Physicians for Social Responsibility
Presentation HB 2693 Ryan Blaszak testimony Springwater Trail High School
Presentation HB 2693 Soren Metzger testimony Oregon School Employees Association
Presentation HB 2693 Transportation Justice Alliance testimony Transportation Justice Alliance
Presentation HB 2693 Yvette Dumer testimony student, Franklin High School
Presentation HB 2693 Julie Brown testimony Rogue Valley Transportation District