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2017 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2643 -1 Proposed 2/3/2017 11:51 AM
HB 2643 -4 Proposed 2/23/2017 3:24 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Early Learning Workforce in Context - Roberta Weber presentation Oregon State University
Meeting Material OHA: Early Child Health Programs, Nurse Home Visiting Programs - Cate Wilcox testimony Oregon Health Authority
Preliminary SMS HB 2643 HB 2643 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation HB 2643 Benjamin Hoffman testimony Oregon Health and Science University
Presentation HB 2643 Kevin Campbell testimony Oregon Association Chiefs of Police; Oregon State Sheriffs' Association
Presentation HB 2643 Kimberly Ruscher testimony Oregon Chapter, American College of Surgeons
Presentation HB 2643 Kimberly Ruscher testimony from John Cole and Tanya Stinson parents of critically injured 3 year old
Presentation HB 2643 Hans Notenboom testimony Oregon Chapter, American College of Emergency Physicians
Witness Registration HB 2643 HECFS witness registration Staff
Presentation HB 2643 Joyce Brake testimony Oregon Health and Science University
Meeting Material HB 2643 Joyce Brake flyer Oregon Health and Science University