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2016 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 1533 -A4 Proposed 2/18/2016 8:40 AM
HB 4094 -A6 Proposed 2/19/2016 3:48 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 4094 Preliminary SMS Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 4094 HB 4094 - A6 RIS Mazen Malik
Presentation HB 4094 Pamela Leavitt Testimony Pamela Leavitt
Presentation HB 4094 Maps Credit Union Testimony Maps Credit Union
Presentation HB 4094 PayQwick Testimony Brian Doherty
Witness Registration HB 4094 Witness Registration LRO Staff
Meeting Material SB 1533 League of Women Voters Norman Turrill
Presentation SB 1533 Emailed Testimony Russ Dondero
Meeting Material SB 1533 Persons Below the Poverty Line 2009 Russ Dondero
Meeting Material SB 1533 US Census - Persons Below Poverty Russ Dondero
Meeting Material SB 1533 Principles of Housing Advocacy Russ Dondero
Preliminary SMS SB 1533 Preliminary SMS Staff
Presentation SB 1533 OAC Joint Testimony in Favor Lucy Baker
Meeting Material SB 1533 AARP Support Gerald Cohen
Presentation SB 1533 TFO Testimony Jody Wiser
Witness Registration SB 1533 Witness Registration LRO Staff