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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 468 -1 Adopted 3/13/2015 11:50 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Mike Maley Presentation Oregon Department of Human Services
Meeting Material Jaime Daignault Testimony Oregon Council for Developmental Disabilities
Meeting Material Ross Ryan Testimony Oregon Self Advocacy Coalition
Meeting Material Tara M. Asaion Testimony for Anna Keenan-Mudrick Oregon APSE
Meeting Material Chris Burnett Testimony Oregon Rehabilitation Association
Preliminary SMS SB 468 SMS STAFF
Preliminary SMS SB 468 SMS -1 STAFF
Presentation SB 555 Tim Rocak Testimony Garten Services, Inc.
Presentation SB 555 Charles Edelson Testimony Co-Opportunity, Inc.
Presentation SB 555 Helen Honey Testimony Shangri-La
Presentation SB 555 Teri Marsh Testimony Shangri-La
Witness Registration SB 555 Witness Registration STAFF
Preliminary SMS SB 555 SMS STAFF
Preliminary SMS SB 598 SMS STAFF
Presentation SB 809 Mark Landauer Testimony Special Districts Association of Oregon
Presentation SB 809 Rob Bovett Testimony Association of Oregon Counties
Preliminary SMS SB 809 SMS STAFF
Presentation SB 809 Tracy Rutten Testimony League of Oregon Cities