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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 46 -1 Proposed 2/12/2015 8:55 AM
SB 47 -1 Proposed 2/12/2015 8:56 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Expiring Tax Credits Article STAFF
Meeting Material SB 46 SMS STAFF
Meeting Material SB 46 Revenue Impact SB 46 STAFF
Meeting Material SB 46 SMS STAFF
Presentation SB 47 Kate Newhall Testimony Family Forward Oregon
Presentation SB 47 Eva Rippeteau Testimony AFSCME Council
Witness Registration SB 47 Witness Registration STAFF
Presentation SB 47 DJ Vogt Testimony Oregon Business Association
Meeting Material SB 47 Revenue Impact SB 47 STAFF
Meeting Material SB 47 SMS STAFF
Presentation SB 380 Paloma Sparks Testimony Bureau of Labor and Industries
Witness Registration SB 380 Witness Registration STAFF
Presentation SB 468 Paloma Sparks Testimony Bureau of Labor and Industries
Presentation SB 468 Janet Bauer Testimony Oregon Center for Public Policy
Meeting Material SB 468 Pie Chart Oregon Center for Public Policy
Presentation SB 468 Betsy Earls Testimony Associated Oregon Industries
Witness Registration SB 468 Witness Registration STAFF
Meeting Material SB 468 Fiscal Impact SB 468 STAFF
Meeting Material SB 468 SMS STAFF