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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SJR 4 -1 Proposed 3/11/2015 4:05 PM
SB 28 -2 Adopted 3/11/2015 4:06 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Witness Registration HB 2175 HB 2175 A witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2175 prelim sms hb2175a staff
Preliminary SMS SB 27 prelimsms sb27 staff
Presentation SB 28 Janice Dysinger testimony resident
Preliminary SMS SB 28 prelimsms sb28 staff
Preliminary SMS SB 29 prelimsms sb29 staff
Meeting Material SB 292 sb292prelimsms staff
Meeting Material SB 293 prelimsmssb293 staff
Fiscal Impact Statement SJR 4 SJR 4 -1 fiscal impact statement staff
Presentation SJR 4 Rachele Altman Testimony Secretary of State's Office
Witness Registration SJR 4 SJR 4 witness registration staff
Preliminary SMS SJR 4 prelimsms sjr 4 staff