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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 72 -1 Adopted 2/16/2015 1:47 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC4028_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session Staff
Meeting Material LC3943_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement SB 72 FIS_Impact Staff
Revenue Impact Statement SB 72 RIS_Impact Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 72 SB72 Final SMS
Presentation SB 146 SB146 Tom Holt Testimony Cambia
Presentation SB 146 John C. Powell Testimony JP Law Firm
Witness Registration SB 146 SB 146 Witness Registration Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 146 sb146prelim Staff
Presentation SB 505 Shawn Miller Testimony
Witness Registration SB 505 SB 505 Witness Registration Staff
Preliminary SMS SB 505 sb505 prelim Staff
Presentation SB 564 Sharolyn Bowman Letters Resident
Presentation SB 564 Sharolyn Bowman Testimony Resident
Presentation SB 564 Sharolyn Bowman Testimony 2 Resident
Presentation SB 564 Laurie Skokan PhD, Testimony Providence Health and Services - Oregon
Presentation SB 564 Troy Rayburn Testimony American Cancer Society
Witness Registration SB 564 SB 564 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation SB 564 Karen Lyons Testimony OHSU
Presentation SB 564 Courtni Dresser Testimony Oregon Medical Association
Presentation SB 564 Donald Austin testimony Physician
Presentation SB 564 Karen Girard Testimony Oregon Health Authority
Presentation SB 564 Kerri Winters-Stone PhD, Testimony OHSU
Presentation SB 564 Rosa Klein Testimony - Copy Oregon Health Authority
Presentation SB 564 Rosa Klein Testimony2 - Copy Oregon Health Authority
Presentation SB 564 Tony Melaragno Testimony Legacy Health
Preliminary SMS SB 564 sb 564prelim Staff
Witness Registration SJM 4 SJM 4 Witness Registration Staff
Preliminary SMS SJM 4 sjm 4 prelim staff