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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 61 -2 Proposed 6/12/2015 7:45 AM
SB 61 -3 Proposed 6/15/2015 2:33 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Preliminary SMS HB 2734 HB 2734 C SMS SMS
Meeting Material HB 2734 Brownfields Brochure Randy Tucker
Presentation HB 2734 HB 2734 Floor Letter Randy Tucker
Presentation HB 2734 HB 2734 Land Bank One-Pager Randy Tucker
Presentation HB 2734 HB 2734 David Rabbino Testimony David Rabbino
Presentation HB 2734 HB 2734 AOC Testimony Doris Penwell
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2734 HB 2734 C RIS LRO
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2734 HB 2734 C FIS LFO
Meeting Material HB 2734 HB 2734 Clackamas County Chris Lyons
Witness Registration HB 2734 HB 2734 C Witness Registration Witness Registration
Meeting Material SB 61 Tax Haven -DOR DOR
Meeting Material SB 61 Tax Haven Examples LRO
Revenue Impact Statement SB 61 SB 61-3 Rev Impact LRO
Presentation SB 61 Ambassador Bekink Letter Netherlands Embassy
Presentation SB 61 SB 61 Philips Testimony Jean Cantrell
Preliminary SMS SB 61 SB 61 SMS LRO
Fiscal Impact Statement SB 61 SB 61 -3 FIS LFO
Presentation SB 61 SB 61 OFII Testimony Evan Hoffman
Presentation SB 61 SB 61 Nestle USA Letter Alan Pasetsky
Meeting Material SB 61 S.G.C. Phillips.Support Jeff Newgard
Presentation SB 61 SB 61 Transamerica Testimony Diana Marchesi
Presentation SB 61 April 1 and March 22 Emails to DOR Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 Backgrounder Netherlands as Posted re HB 2099 Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 Dutch-American Economic-Ties-2014 Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 EU final report_2014_taxud Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 European Council Press Release 9 Dec 2014 Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 Ltr to Dutch Parliament 2013-320-brief Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 OECD Global Forum on Transparency Ratings 5. 2015 Netherlands
Meeting Material SB 61 OECD Tax Haven List Sen. Boquist
Witness Registration SB 61 SB 61 Witness Registration Witness Registration