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2015 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC4080_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session LRO
Meeting Material LC4081_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session LRO
Presentation SB 14 coremark sb14 testimony Mark Vrabel
Meeting Material SB 14 Lane County on SB 14 tobacco tax preemption 315 Alex Cuyler
Meeting Material SB 14 Plaid Pantry SB 14 Jonathan Polonsky
Preliminary SMS SB 14 Preliminary SMS Staff
Meeting Material SB 14 SB 14 Bill Hall Lincoln County
Meeting Material SB 14 SB 14 Stacy Michaelson Assoc. of OR Counties
Meeting Material SB 14 SB 14 Tillman Multnomah County
Meeting Material SB 14 SB 14 Witness Sheets 3.12.15 Witness Sheet
Meeting Material SB 14 Section J - Basic Facts 2015 LRO Staff
Meeting Material SB 14 Tobacco and local taxes.March 2015 John Charles-Cascade Policy Inst.
Meeting Material SB 516 Fee Receipts CY 2014 LRO
Meeting Material SB 516 OHCS_SB_516 Margaret Van Vliet
Preliminary SMS SB 516 Preliminary SMS Staff
Fiscal Impact Statement SB 516 SB 516 FIS LFO
Revenue Impact Statement SB 516 SB 516 RIS LRO