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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 278 -1 Proposed 2/11/2015 8:58 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC1578_DRAFT_2015_Regular_Session staff
Presentation SB 5 Sen. Peter Courtney testimony Senate District 11
Presentation SB 5 Scott Ashford testimony Oregon State University
Witness Registration SB 5 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 138 Jeff Dense testimony Eastern Oregon University
Witness Registration SB 138 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 138 Brian McMenamin testimony McMenamins Pubs and Breweries
Presentation SB 254 Lisa Hanson testimony Oregon Department of Agriculture
Witness Registration SB 254 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 272 Martin Pittioni testimony Board of Accountancy
Presentation SB 272 Scott Wright testimony Board of Accountancy
Presentation SB 272 Stephen McConnel testimony OR Society of Certified Public Accountants
Witness Registration SB 272 Witness Registration staff
Witness Registration SB 273 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 273 Teresa Van Winkle testimony DCBS
Witness Registration SB 277 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 277 Theresa Van Winkle testimony DCBS
Witness Registration SB 278 Witness Registration staff
Presentation SB 278 Tersea Van Winkle testimony ODCBS
Presentation SB 278 Richard Blackwell testimony ODCBS
Presentation SB 278 Sybil Hebb testimony Oregon Law Center