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2015 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2880 -1 Proposed 3/9/2015 10:41 AM
HB 2880 -2 Proposed 3/9/2015 10:41 AM
HB 2626 -1 Adopted 3/9/2015 10:40 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2307 Sarah Baessler testimony Oregon Nurses Association
Presentation HB 2307 Nolan Nelson testimony Resident, Oregon
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2626 FIS hb2626-1 Staff
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2626 REV hb2626-1 Staff
Meeting Material HB 2876 Tara Kruse presentation O.A.S.T.
Meeting Material HB 2876 Tara Kruse infopacket O.A.S.T.
Presentation HB 2876 Tara Kruse HB 2876 letters of support Residents, Oregon
Presentation HB 2876 Tara Kruse HB 2876 letters of support II Residents, Oregon
Meeting Material HB 2876 Catherine Sparkman presentation AST Government Affairs
Witness Registration HB 2876 Witness Registration HB 2876 Staff
Presentation HB 2876 Roy Vinyard testimony ASANTE
Presentation HB 2876 Tim Jones testimony Mid Columbia Medical Center
Presentation HB 2880 Gregg Kosloff testimony PA-C
Presentation HB 2880 Judah Gold Markel testimony PA-C
Presentation HB 2880 Patricia Williams testimony Radiologic Technologist
Presentation HB 2880 Virginia Vanderford testimony Oregon Society of Radiologic Technologists
Witness Registration HB 2880 Witness Registration HB 2880 Staff
Presentation HB 2880 Oregon Society of Physician Assistants testimony Oregon Society of Physician Assistants
Presentation HB 2880 Everett Newcomb III testimony Legacy Health
Presentation HB 3100 Tamy Baney testimony Deschutes County Commissioner
Presentation HB 3100 Lillian Shirley testimony Oregon Health Authority
Presentation HB 3100 Charile Fautin testimony Benton County Health Department
Presentation HB 3100 Jay Bozievich testimony Lane County Commissioner
Presentation HB 3100 Morgan Cowling testimony Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officals
Witness Registration HB 3100 Witness Registration HB 3100 Staff
Presentation HB 3100 Tricia Tillman testimony Multhnomah County Health Department
Presentation HB 3100 Marni Kuyl testimony Washington Co. Dept. of Health & Human Services
Presentation HB 3100 Stacy Michaelson testimony Associations of Oregon Counties