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2014 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4102 -1 Proposed 2/3/2014 4:50 PM
HB 4102 -2 Proposed 2/3/2014 4:50 PM
HB 4102 -3 Proposed 2/3/2014 4:50 PM
HB 4083 -1 Proposed 2/3/2014 4:50 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material Committee Rules 2014 Staff
Witness Registration HB 4083 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 4102 ShepherdS testimony Oregon Student Association
Presentation HB 4102 NollE testimony Oregon Student Association
Presentation HB 4102 Rep. Holvey testimony Rep. Holvey
Presentation HB 4102 TacchiniC testimony Oregon Institute of Technology
Presentation HB 4102 OkulitchG testimony HigherOne
Witness Registration HB 4102 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 4102 Meiffren-SwangoC testimony OSPIRG
Presentation HB 4102 Meiffren-SwangoC testimony (2) USPIRG