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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
SB 587 -1 Not Adopted 3/22/2013 11:01 AM
SB 540 -1 Adopted 3/22/2013 10:59 AM
HB 2184 -2 Not Adopted 3/22/2013 11:00 AM
SB 222 -3 Adopted 3/22/2013 10:58 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Witness Registration HB 2099 HB 2099 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2099 J. McComb testimony Oregon Department of Education
Witness Registration HB 2184 HB 2184A Witness Registration staff
Meeting Material HB 2184 HB2184_A2 Amendments staff
Meeting Material SB 222 SB0222_3 Amendments staff
Presentation SB 508 A. Gurney testimony SB 508 Oregon Connections Academy Parent Association
Presentation SB 508 H. Smith testimony Prineville, OR
Presentation SB 508 K. Woody testimony SB 508 Director, West Lane Technical Learning Center
Presentation SB 508 K. Woody testimony SB 508_2 Director, West Lane Technical Learning Center
Presentation SB 508 K. Woody testimony SB 508_3 Director, West Lane Technical Learning Center
Witness Registration SB 508 SB 508 Witness Registration staff
Meeting Material SB 540 SB0540_1 Amendments staff
Witness Registration SB 587 SB 587 Witness Registration staff
Meeting Material SB 587 SB0587_1 Amendments staff
Presentation SB 761 A. Gurney testimony SB 761 Oregon Connections Academy Parent Association
Witness Registration SB 761 SB 761 Witness Registration staff