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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2177 -1 Not Adopted 3/15/2013 4:37 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2177 IngramG testimony Oregon Fire District Directors Assoc.
Meeting Material HB 2177 Retention and Recruitment - USFA Genoa Ingram
Meeting Material HB 2177 Tax Credit Policy Questions staff
Witness Registration HB 2177 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2177 YoderR testimony Aurora Fire
Presentation HB 2475 BarberD testimony Oregon Rural Health Association
Presentation HB 2475 DuehmigR testimony OHSU
Presentation HB 2475 IngramG testimony Oregon Fire District Directors Assoc.
Meeting Material HB 2475 Retention and Recruitment - USFA Genoa Ingram
Meeting Material HB 2475 Tax Credit Policy Questions staff
Witness Registration HB 2475 Witness Registration staff
Meeting Material HB 2883 Tax Credit Policy Questions staff
Witness Registration HB 2883 Witness Registration staff
Witness Registration HB 3317 HB 3317 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 3317 NohrJ testimony Oregon Fire Chiefs Association
Presentation HB 3317 SquiresH testimony Oregon APCO/NENA
Meeting Material HB 3317 Tax Credit Policy Questions staff
Presentation HB 3317 testimony City of Portland