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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2067 -1 Adopted 4/1/2013 9:51 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Fiscal Impact Statement HB 2067 FIS hb2067-1 staff
Preliminary SMS HB 2067 hb2067hted04-01-2013prelim staff
Presentation HB 2067 NovickE testimony Department of Justice
Revenue Impact Statement HB 2067 REV hb2067-1 staff
Witness Registration HB 2067 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2428 CosgroveP testimony Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers
Presentation HB 2428 FrohnmayerM testimony Oregon Transportation Commission
Presentation HB 2428 HagerdornD testimony Association of Global Automakers
Preliminary SMS HB 2428 hb2428hted04-01-2013prelim staff
Witness Registration HB 2428 Witness Registration staff
Fiscal Impact Statement HJR 9 FIS HJR9 staff
Presentation HJR 9 HagerbaumerC testimony Oregon Environmental Council
Preliminary SMS HJR 9 hjr9hted04-01-2013 staff
Presentation HJR 9 LeapD testimony Association of Rail Transit Advocates
Revenue Impact Statement HJR 9 REV HJR 9 staff
Witness Registration HJR 9 Witness Registration staff