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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2199 -1 Not Adopted 3/11/2013 10:56 AM
HB 2739 1 Not Adopted 3/9/2013 11:22 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material LC3748_DRAFT_2013_Regular_Session Staff
Presentation HB 2199 BendlR testimony Ruth Bendl
Presentation HB 2199 BendlR testimony pt 2 Ruth Bendl
Presentation HB 2199 BuchalJ Testimony James Buchal
Presentation HB 2199 DysingerJ Testimony Janice Dysinger
Presentation HB 2199 EatonK testimony Kappy Eaton, League of Women Voters
Presentation HB 2199 FromeW testimony Wendy Frome
Presentation HB 2199 NisbetA testimony Andrew Nisbet
Presentation HB 2199 RaddueS Testimony Sandy Raddue
Presentation HB 2199 ScottT testimony Tim Scott, Oregon Association of County Clerks
Witness Registration HB 2199 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2351 DysingerJ testimony Janice Dysinger
Witness Registration HB 2351 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2739 DysingerJ testimony Janice Dysinger
Preliminary SMS HB 2739 hb2739prelimsms03-11-2013 Staff
Presentation HB 2739 RaddueS Testimony Sandy Raddue
Presentation HB 2739 ScottT testimony Tim Scott, Oregon Association of County Clerks
Witness Registration HB 2739 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3113 BendlR testimony Ruth Bendl
Presentation HB 3113 DysingerJ testimony Janice Dysinger
Witness Registration HB 3113 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3344 BendlR testimony Ruth Bendl
Presentation HB 3344 DysingerJ testimony Janice Dysinger
Preliminary SMS HB 3344 hb3344prelimsms3-11-2013 Staff
Presentation HB 3344 RaddueS Testimony Sandy Raddue
Presentation HB 3344 ScottT testimony Tim Scott, Oregon Association of County Clerks
Witness Registration HB 3344 Witness Registration Staff