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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2415 intro Not Adopted 3/13/2013 4:29 PM
HB 2227 -1 Adopted 4/22/2013 1:37 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material mackey-state-tax-notes malik
Meeting Material Purpose Statements LRO
Presentation HB 2035 Caldwell testimony Caldwell
Presentation HB 2035 DOR testimony DOR
Witness Registration HB 2035 Witness Registration HB 2035 (2) LRO
Presentation HB 2036 Caldwell testimony Caldwell
Witness Registration HB 2036 Witness Registration HB 2036 (2) LRO
Presentation HB 2415 Caldwell testimony Caldwell
Presentation HB 2415 DOR testimony DOR
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Meeting Material HB 2415 HB 2415 Parr City of Beaverton
Presentation HB 2415 HB 2415 Powell testimony AT & T
Witness Registration HB 2415 Witness Registration HB 2415 (2) LRO
Presentation HB 2454 Caldwell testimony Caldwell
Presentation HB 2454 DOR testimony DOR
Witness Registration HB 2454 Witness Registration HB 2454 (2) LRO
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Fuller Testimony OSSA
Presentation HB 2496 Caldwell testimony Caldwell
Presentation HB 2496 DOR testimony DOR
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2035 and 2496 Washington Co testimony Washington County Sheriff
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Ingram Testimony OR Fire Dist Directors Assoc
Presentation HB 2496 HB 2496 Luttrell Testimony John Day Emergency Communications Ctr
Meeting Material HB 2496 HB 2496 Parr Restimony City of Beaverton
Witness Registration HB 2496 Witness Registration HB 2496 (2) LRO
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 AOC testimony AOC
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Baessler testimony Baessler
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Barry testimony Core-Mark International
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Conan Testimony Plaid Pantry
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Hamilton Testimony TOFCO
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Leiken testimony Leiken
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Modrell testimony Modrell
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Nelson testimony Modrell
Presentation HB 2870 HB 2870 Taxpayer Association of Oregon testimony Taxpayers Assoc of OR
Meeting Material HB 2870 hb2870prelimSMS 3-15-2013 LRO
Witness Registration HB 2870 Witness Registration HB 2870 LRO