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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3439 -1 Not Adopted 3/26/2013 3:39 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 3085 RindyB testimony DLCD
Meeting Material HB 3085 hb3085 witness resigstration staff
Presentation HB 3085 ClintonC testimony Clackamas County
Presentation HB 3089 FreshwatersS testimony Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon
Presentation HB 3089 DunckelM testimony professional land surveyor, McMinville, Oregon
Presentation HB 3089 MorrisseyM testimony Department of Land Conservation and Development
Meeting Material HB 3089 hb3089 wirtness registration staff
Presentation HB 3089 ClintonC testimony Clackamas County
Presentation HB 3089 McCoyS testimony 1000 Friends
Meeting Material HB 3439 RepReardon picture Rep. Jeff Reardon
Meeting Material HB 3439 RepReardon picture1 Rep. Jeff Reardon
Meeting Material HB 3439 RepKennemer information Rep. Bill Kennemer
Witness Registration HB 3439 hb3439 witness registration staff
Presentation HB 3439 McCoyS testimony 1000 Friends of Oregon
Meeting Material HB 3439 SmithV testiony Clackamas Communitty College Foundation
Meeting Material HB 3439 DierkingJ Background Info President, Liberty Natural Products