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2013 Regular Session
No proposed amendments are available for this meeting.
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation SB 172 LaceJ testimony OR Medical Association
Meeting Material SB 172 Tama-Sweet Fact Sheet AMA/ASA/March of Dimes/ Mended Little Hearts
Presentation SB 172 WhismanT testimony parent, Stayton, OR
Presentation SB 172 RoseL testimony Legacy Health
Witness Registration SB 172 witness registration Staff
Presentation SB 172 RogovoyJ testimony March of Dimes
Meeting Material SB 384 JenkinsL info brief Jackson Co. & Mult. Co. Health Depart.
Presentation SB 384 PartaC testimony OR Trial Lawyers Association
Presentation SB 384 Rep. Williamson testimony House District 36
Presentation SB 384 OxmanG Testimony former public health physician
Witness Registration SB 384 witness registration Staff
Presentation SB 444 CampbellK testimony OR Assoc. Chiefs of Policy
Presentation SB 444 FullerD testimony OR State Sheriffs' Association
Presentation SB 444 Hermann-FranzenC testimony American Lung Association
Presentation SB 444 Menagh-JohnsonK testimony Portland, OR resident
Presentation SB 444 SkellengerC testimony Portland, OR resident
Meeting Material SB 444 Sen. Steiner Hayward written info AHA/AST/OMA/OPS/TOFCO/ALA
Presentation SB 444 GoldJ testimony OHSU
Witness Registration SB 444 witness registration Staff
Presentation SB 721 SnevaR Testimony parent of traumatic brain injury patient
Presentation SB 721 SnevaJ Testimony traumatic brain injury patient
Presentation SB 721 KrackeD Testimony Portland, resident
Presentation SB 721 JacobsonB Testimony Professional Ski Instructors of America
Presentation SB 721 ChesnuttJ Testimony OHSU Sports Medicine
Presentation SB 721 KeersC testimony OR Youth Soccer
Witness Registration SB 721 witness registration Staff