2013 Regular Session
Meeting Details 04/01/2013 1:00 PM, HR E
Meeting Materials
Document Type | Measure | Exhibit Title | Submitter | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | BartholomewJ testimony | Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | BennettR testimony | AARP | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | FarmerS testimony | Friendsview Retirement Community | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | HarcourtK testimony | OR resident | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | MayJ testimony | OR resident | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | McCormickM testimony | OR Dept of Human Services | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | McEwenR Testimony | OR Disabilities Commission | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | OHCA testimony | Oregon Health Care Association | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | Rep. Thatcher's testimony | House District 25 | |
Presentation | HB 2056 | StrandJ testimony | Governor's Commission on Senior Services | |
Witness Registration | HB 2056 | witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | HB 2123 | SchnabelG testimony | Oregon Board of Pharmacy | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | BaesslerS testimony | Oregon Nurses Association | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | EhlersN testimony | North Eugene High School | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | HesterP Testimony | OR School-Based Health Care Network | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | MatneyC testimony | OR resident | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | ThomasW Testimony | Washington County Commision on Children & Families | |
Presentation | HB 2445 | TorreyJ testimony | Eugene School District | |
Witness Registration | HB 2445 | witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | HB 3128 | BischelC testimony | Multiple System Atrophy Coalition | |
Presentation | HB 3128 | MearsJ Testimony | OR resident | |
Witness Registration | HB 3128 | witness registration | Staff | |
Presentation | HB 3458 | VandeheyJ testimony | Kaiser Permanente | |
Presentation | HB 3458 | VogtD testimony | Oregon Business Association |