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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 3458 -2 Adopted 4/1/2013 11:33 AM
HB 2445 -4 Not Adopted 4/1/2013 9:10 AM
HB 2056 -1 Adopted 4/1/2013 11:27 AM
HB 2123 -6 Adopted 4/1/2013 11:28 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Presentation HB 2056 BartholomewJ testimony Alzheimer’s Association Oregon Chapter
Presentation HB 2056 BennettR testimony AARP
Presentation HB 2056 FarmerS testimony Friendsview Retirement Community
Presentation HB 2056 HarcourtK testimony OR resident
Presentation HB 2056 MayJ testimony OR resident
Presentation HB 2056 McCormickM testimony OR Dept of Human Services
Presentation HB 2056 McEwenR Testimony OR Disabilities Commission
Presentation HB 2056 OHCA testimony Oregon Health Care Association
Presentation HB 2056 Rep. Thatcher's testimony House District 25
Presentation HB 2056 StrandJ testimony Governor's Commission on Senior Services
Witness Registration HB 2056 witness registration Staff
Presentation HB 2123 SchnabelG testimony Oregon Board of Pharmacy
Presentation HB 2445 BaesslerS testimony Oregon Nurses Association
Presentation HB 2445 EhlersN testimony North Eugene High School
Presentation HB 2445 HesterP Testimony OR School-Based Health Care Network
Presentation HB 2445 MatneyC testimony OR resident
Presentation HB 2445 ThomasW Testimony Washington County Commision on Children & Families
Presentation HB 2445 TorreyJ testimony Eugene School District
Witness Registration HB 2445 witness registration Staff
Presentation HB 3128 BischelC testimony Multiple System Atrophy Coalition
Presentation HB 3128 MearsJ Testimony OR resident
Witness Registration HB 3128 witness registration Staff
Presentation HB 3458 VandeheyJ testimony Kaiser Permanente
Presentation HB 3458 VogtD testimony Oregon Business Association