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2013 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 2529 -2 Not Adopted 3/12/2013 1:16 PM
HB 2418 -1 Not Adopted 3/12/2013 8:20 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Witness Registration HB 2529 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2976 HouserJ and KellenbeckM testimony Lee Mercer
Presentation HB 2976 NettlerK testimony Karen Nettler
Presentation HB 2976 DaleM testimony D. Michael Dale
Presentation HB 2976 BauerJ testimony Janet Bauer
Presentation HB 2976 OAHHS testimony Oregon Association of Hospitals and Health Systems
Presentation HB 2976 EFO testimony Economic Fairness Oregon
Presentation HB 2976 EMO testimony David Leslie, EMO
Presentation HB 2976 CatoM testimony Archdiocese of Portlant in Oregon
Presentation HB 2976 ASA testimony American Staffing Association
Presentation HB 2976 BrownB testimony Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
Presentation HB 2976 ElliottL testimony Laura Elliot
Presentation HB 2976 FreemanM testimony Mike Freeman
Presentation HB 2976 GrangeD testimony Duane R. Grange
Presentation HB 2976 ShevchenkoP testimony Paul Shevchenko
Presentation HB 2976 SosaR testimony Romeo Sosa
Presentation HB 2976 SwansonM testimony Matt Swanson
Presentation HB 2976 ThompsonS testimony Scott Thompson
Presentation HB 2976 TorresD testimony Denise Torres
Presentation HB 2976 WilsonJL testimony JL Wilson
Witness Registration HB 2976 Witness Registration staff
Presentation HB 2977 MercerL testimony Lee Mercer
Presentation HB 2977 NettlerK testimony Karen Nettler
Presentation HB 2977 DaleM testimony D. Michael Dale
Presentation HB 2977 ShevchenkoP testimony Paul Shevchenko
Presentation HB 2977 OCPP testimony OCPP
Presentation HB 2977 RamirezR testimony Ramon Ramirez
Presentation HB 2977 NewmyerM testimony Marlinda Mewmyer
Presentation HB 2977 SosaR testimony Romeo Sosa
Presentation HB 2977 FreemanM testimomny Mike Freeman
Witness Registration HB 2977 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 2977 TorresD testimony Denise Torres
Presentation HB 2977 GrangeD testimony Duane R. Grange
Presentation HB 2977 BrownB testimony Robert Brown
Presentation HB 2977 SwansonM testimony Matt Swanson
Presentation HB 2977 EFO testimony Economic Fairness Oregon
Presentation HB 2977 EMO testimony David Leslie, EMO
Presentation HB 2977 CatoM testimony Archdiocese of Portlant in Oregon
Presentation HB 3142 MercerL testimony Lee Mercer
Presentation HB 3142 NettlerK testimony Karen Nettler
Presentation HB 3142 DaleM testimony D. Michael Dale
Presentation HB 3142 BauerJ testimony Janet Bauer - OCPP
Presentation HB 3142 WilsonJL testimony J.L Wilson
Presentation HB 3142 MeekcomsJ testimony Jan Meekcoms
Presentation HB 3142 SosaR testimony Romeo Sosa
Presentation HB 3142 FreemanM testimony Mike Freeman
Witness Registration HB 3142 Witness Registration Staff
Presentation HB 3142 BrownR testimonyt Robert Brown
Presentation HB 3142 SwansonM testimony Matt Swanson
Presentation HB 3142 EFO testimony Economic Fairness Oregon
Presentation HB 3142 EMO testimony David Leslie, EMO
Presentation HB 3142 CatoM testimony Archdiocese of Portlant in Oregon
Witness Registration HB 3147 Witness Registration Staff