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2012 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4029 -1 Adopted 11/2/2015 3:09 PM
HB 4040 -4 Proposed 11/2/2015 3:13 PM
HB 4040 -6 Proposed 11/2/2015 3:13 PM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material AGENDA HTED.2012.
Presentation HB 4040 Nitin Rai testimony First Insight
Meeting Material HB 4040 Niels Zellers info packet Oregon Community Foundation
Presentation HB 4040 Nate Parker testimony GlobeSherpa
Presentation HB 4040 Jean Wheat-Palm testimony Valley Credit Union
Presentation HB 4040 John Molis testimony OR. State building & Construction Trades Council
Presentation HB 4040 Ann Hanus testimony Association of Oregon Counties
Presentation HB 4040 Jaymes Winters testimony Blue Leopard Capital
Presentation HB 4040 Jack Isselmann testimony Oregon Bioscience
Meeting Material HB 4040 Jody Wiser table Tax Fairness Oregon