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2012 Regular Session
Measure Amendment Status Posted Date and Time
HB 4135 -1 Proposed 10/13/2015 9:43 AM
HB 4122 -2 Proposed 10/13/2015 9:37 AM
HB 4046 -1 Proposed 10/13/2015 9:34 AM
HB 4127 -1 Proposed 10/13/2015 9:35 AM
Meeting Materials
Document Type Measure Exhibit Title Submitter
Meeting Material AGENDA HHC.2012.
Presentation HB 4027 Rep. Gene Whisnant testimony House District 53
Presentation HB 4122 Bill Cross testimony Oregon Society of Health System Pharmacists
Presentation HB 4122 Marcus Watt testimony Walgreens Pharmacy
Presentation HB 4123 Sen. Elizabeth Steiner Hayward testimony Senate District 17
Meeting Material HB 4123 Sen. Brian Boquist list Senate District 12
Presentation HB 4123 Randy Tucker-Metro testimony Metro
Presentation HB 4123 Sen. Diane Rosenbaum testimony Senate District 21
Presentation HB 4123 Patricia Ahlen testimony Oregon Medical Association
Presentation HB 4123 Joe Gregorich testimony Toy Industry Association
Presentation HB 4123 Renee Hackenmiller Paradis testimony Oregon Environmental Council
Presentation HB 4123 Kasandra Griffin testimony Upstream Public Health
Presentation HB 4123 Gail Shibley testimony Oregon Health Authority
Presentation HB 4123 Cheyenne Chapman testimony Rachel's friends Breast Cancer Coalition
Presentation HB 4123 Andrea Paluso testimony Family Forward Oregon
Presentation HB 4135 Lou Savage testimony DCBS