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2011 Regular Session
At the request of:
Chief Sponsors: Senator Kruse
Regular Sponsors: (Presession filed.)
Bill Title: Relating to education; declaring an emergency.
Catchline/Summary: Suspends for 2011-2013 biennium requirements placed on school districts related to self-evaluations, local district continuous improvement plans, alternative placements for students, alcohol and drug abuse prevention programs, instructional materials, substitute teacher salaries, talented and gifted students, instructional time, guidance and counseling programs, media programs and class sizes.
Chapter Number:
Fiscal Impact: May Have Fiscal Impact, But No Statement Yet Issued
Revenue Impact: No Revenue Impact
Measure Analysis: Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements
Current Location: In Senate Committee
Current Committee: Senate Committee On Education and Workforce Development
Current Subcommittee:
Subsequent Referral(s):
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents
Measure History
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