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2011 Regular Session
At the request of: (at the request of Oregon Cattlemen's Association)
Chief Sponsors: Representative Smith G.
Regular Sponsors: Representative Bentz, Esquivel, Garrard, Jenson, Johnson, Krieger, Schaufler, Whisnant, Senator Boquist, Ferrioli, George, Girod, Kruse, Nelson, Telfer, Thomsen, Whitsett
Bill Title: Relating to wolves; appropriating money; and declaring an emergency.
Catchline/Summary: Directs State Department of Agriculture to establish and implement wolf depredation compensation and financial assistance grant program for purposes of compensating persons who suffer loss or injury to livestock or working dogs due to wolf depredation and providing financial assistance to persons who implement livestock management techniques or nonlethal wolf deterrence techniques designed to discourage wolf depredation of livestock.
Chapter Number: Chapter 690
Fiscal Impact: Fiscal Impact Issued
Revenue Impact: No Revenue Impact
Measure Analysis: Staff Measure Summary / Impact Statements
Current Location: Chapter Number Assigned
Current Committee:
Current Subcommittee:
Subsequent Referral(s):
Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanations: Potential Conflicts of Interest/Vote Explanation Documents
Measure History
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