(at the request of Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo for Department of Education)
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Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed.
Bill Title:
Relating to education; and declaring an emergency.
Abolishes Certificate of Initial Mastery and Certificate of Advanced Mastery. Abolishes Certificate of Initial Mastery and Certificate of Advanced Mastery.
Abolishes certain Oregon Educational Act for the 21st Century programs.
Requires local district continuous improvement plans to include specified elements.
Requires Superintendent of Public Instruction to assign rating to each school that identifies school as outstanding, satisfactory or in need of improvement. Requires school designated as in need of improvement to file school improvement plan with superintendent. Requires Department of Education to design and implement system of progressive interventions for schools and school districts that do not demonstrate improvement.
Modifies provisions relating to Oregon Report Card.
If school district establishes child development specialist program, specifies requirements for program.
Directs Department of Education to contract with nonprofit entity to administer nationally normed assessment to all] students in grade 10 for purpose of predicting success of students on college entrance exams. Authorizes department, for each fiscal year, to expend for contract up to $550,000 from State School Fund that would otherwise go to education service districts.
Requires Superintendent of Public Instruction to make recommendations to Legislative Assembly regarding facilities that serve as schools for students who are blind or deaf. Removes authority of superintendent to order changes in purpose or use of facilities.]
Applies to 2008-2009 school year.
Establishes Board of Directors of Oregon School for the Deaf. Specifies membership and duties of board.
Establishes Board of Directors of Oregon School for the Blind. Specifies membership and duties of board.
Authorizes boards to appeal any decision of Superintendent of Public Instruction regarding changes in purposes or uses of schools and selection of school directors, teachers and other personnel.
Changes name of Oregon State School for the Deaf to Oregon School for the Deaf and name of Oregon State School for the Blind to Oregon School for the Blind.
Declares emergency, effective on passage] July 1, 2007.
Oregon Legislative Assembly - Public Testimony Registration Form
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HB 2263
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