2023-2024 Interim
Joint Committee On Transportation
06/04/2024 12:00 PM , Portland Community College Cascade Campus Moriarty Auditorium 705 N Killingsworth Street Portland, OR 97217
  • Field Trip
    • (12:00 - 2:00 PM) ODOT-Hosted Tour of Metro Area Transportation Facilities*

      (2:30 - 4:30 PM) Roundtable Discussion with Members of Region 1 Area Commission on
      Transportation, Jurisdictional Leaders, Business Representatives, and Topic
      Area Experts*

      *Note: Persons wishing to attend either the roundtable or tour should contact committee staff in advance.
  • Public Hearing
    • (5:00 - 5:10 PM) ODOT Transportation Funding Review

      (5:10 - 7:00 PM) Public Comment

      Register to give public comment:
      - Register in person at the location noted at the top of the agenda. Registration will open 30 minutes ahead of meeting start time.

      Register to give remote public comment:
      -Time permitting, the Chairs will allow for remote public comment, please register at

      Submit written public comment:
      -Email: JCT.exhibits@oregonlegislature.gov.
      -Mail: Joint Committee on Transportation
      900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR, 97301

      -Written comment may be submitted up to 48 hours after the meeting start time.